Monday, May 9, 2011

Listening to your "Mother's Intuition"

There are so many confusing signals, advertisements, pieces of advice, words-to-the-wise, articles, radio discussions, podcasts and forum posts out there, telling us how "best" to raise our children.

I have found, with my two children, that the only decisions I have regretted making regarding their health & upbringing were the times that I listened to something or someone while disregarding my own "Mother's Intuition"or in other words, ignoring what my heart was telling me.

My Mother's Intuition has saved my children's lives on occasion. It has averted dangerous situations, kept them happy and smiling, and frequently been proven true by one study or another at some later date.

I keep informed, of course, and have books on natural remedies, and read books and articles on parenting and children, selectively sorting out what I think makes sense and what I think is utter nonsense best left to rearing canines.

I breastfeed until the children quit on their own. I follow my hunches. I know that I know my children almost as well as they know themselves and what is "normal" for them. I believe in myself and my babies as we labour together when they are born. I trust our dyad to know instinctively what we need to do at all times, in all situations.

I have at times glimpsed the fact that "my heart" is actually my children themselves, the ones who made me into a mother, and who truly do know in their hearts what is going on with them, what they need, what is best for them.

The result is that I never feel defensive, haunted, or guilty when questioned about my parenting, my extended breastfeeding, or most anything I have done in my career as a mother while mothering from my heart, that is to say, following my children's cues and signals and really listening to them.

The other times will likely trouble me forever.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why online shopping often makes sense for moms

Expectant mothers sometimes look at us like we're a little crazy when we suggest that they, who might live in Toronto (where Evymama Nursing & Maternity is located), should shop our web store when the baby comes along and have their nursing pyjamas, nursing pads, and nursing tops delivered to them.

"Why would I shop a Toronto store online when I live here?" or "why would I pay for shipping when I can pick it up for free?", they might be wondering.

Well, your time becomes extremely precious when you have a child, and your "free time" is even more so. You might need a few things when the baby is born that you would really love to rush out and get, but you really could be relaxing and getting breastfeeding off to a good start instead, which is what I humbly suggest that you do for the first ten days or so.

Don't feel silly for shopping a local store online. I do it all the time, and my kids are 6 and 4 years old. I don't really have time for shopping except for late at night when my little people are asleep, and my shop is closed.

If cost is your concern, just think of what your fuel is costing, or that a TTC round trip is $6.00. The $8.00 expedited shipping rate from Evymama to get the breastfeeding supplies you need starts to look pretty manageable, especially since you can sip your tea [coffee] as you shop, and never have to so much as put on your shoes to get them.

Check us out, even if it's just to choose your items in advance of a real-life visit: we have a "pick up in store" option, so you can actually shop our store from home and have your parcel picked up, avoiding shipping fees and saving you lots of time.

We'll take good care of you either way, and the tea is on the house when you stop in.